Reading -- or not reading -- the signs.
Of all the self-help driven blogs on the internet, you found yourself here -- arguably the least helpful. This blog isn't here to tell you what to do.
I'm reminded of a sign that hangs in my friend's house that reads, "If you wish to live wisely, ignore sayings including this one." This same friend just dropped 60 pounds with CrossFit, a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting. You can almost think of this blog, or any other like it, in the same way as that sign. Read it. Don't read it. The medium is irrelevant. The message, too. It only has meaning if you act. Clearly, my friend gets it.
If you want to change, if you want to improve, if you want to push yourself, if you want to take on something difficult, it's on you.
And for those of you who want it, here's a workout I came up with this morning. Perform each combination, followed by each exercise from top to bottom with as little rest in between as possible. Use a manageable weight, or just body weight.
Or don't. That's up to you, too.