What I learned this week: 04.25.16-04.29.16

  • Amid the stress and sometimes chaos of a breaking story, I often silently repeat my newsroom mantra: One problem at a time. As it turns out, humans are really awful at multitasking. This article from the New York Times calls into question why we ever thought it was a desirable skill. And yes, I was able to read it without any distractions.
  • Also from the New York Times, in addition to his more well-known literary/poetic exploits, Walt Whitman was also quite the proponent of fitness and self-help. He, of course, put his Whitman-esque spin on things.
  • A professor at Princeton University published a CV of his failures. Apparently, it's the most well-read thing he's ever published. The Associated Press reports: "The list ends with a 'Meta-Failure' that the CV has received 'way more attention' than Haushofer's entire body of academic work."
  • Tim Ferriss has come up with a better way to do everything, including taking notes.
  • Never underestimate the power of momentum. Even something as difficult as writing consistently can become habit with enough repetition, I'm discovering.

I have no cause to complain.

Try and go a day without complaining. It's almost impossible. Whether you verbalize it or keep it internal, complaints worm their way to the surface, poisoning thoughts and attitudes.

I've been trying -- with mixed results -- to complain less. It's difficult to stifle the whiny voice that pipes up at the first sign of discomfort, or the slightest hint of insult. Taking it a step further, when I hear that voice start to chime in, I try to turn whatever it's saying around and find something positive behind it. This mental exercise is taken from this video by Jocko Willink. Watch it. It will get your blood pumping.

If for no other reason, I've prioritized eliminating complaints because complaining is not a constructive enterprise. From my experience, it produces only more negative thoughts and feelings. It further sours outlooks and dispositions. It's also contagious. I've seen it bring down an entire office. It is an ineffective use of time and effort.

If time is the ultimate commodity, and complaining is not a constructive enterprise, then why bother complaining? I have too much to do, and I'm sure you do, too.