Something was off today. Jiu Jitsu was a battle this morning, but not the kind I would have preferred.
The early Wednesday class is usually small, and I tend to be the lowest-ranking belt there. That means I usually get a good workout (read: smashed), and I usually get a lot of coaching. This morning, the lesson on passing half guard was difficult for me to apprehend. The coaching was there. The workout was not.
Guard passing is one of my weakest parts of my game. I prefer to work from guard. It's easier to handle training partners who are often bigger, and I can use my Go Go Gadget Arms and Legs to make or close space. I blame my inability to pass on my build, but the truth is, it's weak because of my lack of attention.
I usually leave the mats exhausted and sore. The only thing sore this morning was my ego. There was no physical battle. The only fight going on was me beating myself up. While I get a ton of satisfaction out of leaving it all on the mat, this measured approach, emphasizing technique and focusing on what I suck at, is the path I need to follow. It seems obvious to say, but I'm not going to get better just practicing what I'm good at.
How often have I fallen into this trap? I can rattle off a short list of things I gave up on without giving them a fair shot: math, art, learning music theory and improving my swimming technique. There must be others.
Noted. I'll be more vigilant.